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Busy bee collecting pollen from a sunflower

Attracting the sweet nectar of success

Our busy-as-bees brains process about 11 million pieces of information per second. Talk about making our heads spin! Obviously, most of this activity happens beneath our conscious awareness. Our brains buzz around a field of infinite possibilities, picking and choosing…

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Gap year for your soul

You've likely heard of the gap year -- the break students take after high school or college to explore the world before moving on to the next stage of life. Show of hands: How many of you would board that…

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Wooing your heartfelt desires

Wooing your heartfelt desires

Valentine's Day is on the horizon: What better time to reflect on what your heart truly desires. Whether personal or professional, romantic or spiritual, if you have it already, be sure to celebrate it. If not, maybe it’s time to…

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Adopt an ergo approach to life

Most of us understand the importance of an ergonomic, or properly aligned, workspace -- especially when we're working from home. A kitchen table and chair just don't cut it. The good news is that by making tiny changes aligned with…

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Baby Yoda

Slow down: Baby Yoda on board

I awoke in the night with an earworm. That’s kind of a gross term for a common phenomenon: Getting a song stuck in your head. At first, I found it extremely ‘earritating,’ pardon the pun. Pieces of it kept going…

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Just say thank you

Just say thank you

It’s January, which for many of us is ‘return season.' Time to pack up the gifts you can’t use or don't like and return or exchange them. I've spent hours in those lines myself. But this year I’m wondering: If…

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Creating a purpose filled post-pandemic plan

A purpose filled post-pandemic plan

After months of sheltering at home, we may feel like caged birds right now. Yet, before Corona clipped our wings, we often lived in cages of our own making -- flying through our days without much joy, connection, or meaningful…

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hug a tree for your heart

Unmasking the Corona-chakra connection

What’s the common denominator of nearly every major health issue? Stress, stress, and more stress. Right now, we may like to blame Coronavirus for all this stress. But it could be a consequence of a way of life we’ve come…

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Superwoman is a fictional character not a real woman

Time to bury the superwoman myth

As marketed by a cheesy commercial in the late seventies, a real woman’s greatest achievement was to “bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan, and never, ever let you forget you’re a man.” Disturbingly, five decades later…

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Barnacles collect on sea turtles and boats but don't let barnacles slow your mojo

Don’t let barnacles slow your mojo

If you’re a boater or a fan of SpongeBob SquarePants, you know what a barnacle is. These sticky, little sea creatures attach themselves to unsuspecting surfaces, like turtle shells where they can cause health problems and boat hulls, where they…

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