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Beautiful close up image of a cat with green eyes

The hex of high maintenance

Picky Passionate Proud. This catchy headline spoke to me, along with the beautiful tabby cat featured in the magazine ad. Yes, felines are notoriously finicky -- high maintenance as some would say. Yet, I can't help but admire their refusal…

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Toad wearing a crown

Stop kissing toads

We all know fairytales aren’t real. Or do we? Some of us still seem to confuse a toad with a prince (or princess.) We seem to believe that with enough love (and second chances), our bumpy relationship will magically transform…

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A peaceful lion demonstrates the up side of quiet quitting

The upside of quiet quitting

From TikTok to TV news, there’s a lot of buzz about quiet quitting—and a lot of ideas about what this trendy term means. Some may see it as a passive aggressive way of ‘giving the finger’ to a workplace situation…

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