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White lab receiving a treat from trainer

The good opinion of others

Many of us are motivated by the good opinion of others. We seek positive attention, from compliments and pats on the back to likes and followers on social media. Maybe it all started with gold stars in grade school. Even…

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Beautiful close up image of a cat with green eyes

The hex of high maintenance

Picky Passionate Proud. This catchy headline spoke to me, along with the beautiful tabby cat featured in the magazine ad. Yes, felines are notoriously finicky -- high maintenance as some would say. Yet, I can't help but admire their refusal…

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Image of compass by PDPics from Pixabay

The levee of little white lies

"I'm fine." Why is this so often our canned response when someone asks how we're feeling? Meanwhile, in her book Atlas of the Heart, Brene Brown describes a rainbow of 87 distinct emotions that we could be feeling. Not surprisingly,…

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Image of a flower shaped like a heart

Healing the heartbreak of betrayal

A betrayal feels like a bomb being dropped on our lives. We’re completely unprepared for the explosion—and we feel helpless as the world we knew and trusted goes up in flames. We'd like to "keep calm and carry on," but…

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Toad wearing a crown

Stop kissing toads

We all know fairytales aren’t real. Or do we? Some of us still seem to confuse a toad with a prince (or princess.) We seem to believe that with enough love (and second chances), our bumpy relationship will magically transform…

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Image of red padlock with heart etched on it

STOP in the name of love

Pretty much every one of us remembers an experience of being shamed. And we’ll do anything to avoid being engulfed in those burning flames of humiliation ever again. Unfortunately, people from so-called leaders to so-called lovers use shame as a…

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Pile of colorful Legos

A playful tool for getting unstuck

Humans are creative beings. Our miraculous minds possess the power to imagine, dream, and create. Yet many of us feel stuck at crossroads in life because we’ve forgotten this power. Like our once beloved toys, all the natural creative juices…

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Wooing your heartfelt desires

Wooing your heartfelt desires

Valentine's Day is on the horizon: What better time to reflect on what your heart truly desires. Whether personal or professional, romantic or spiritual, if you have it already, be sure to celebrate it. If not, maybe it’s time to…

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