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Sparrow on a branch in winter

The glimmer effect

Most of us know what it means to be triggered—when something pokes at a tender spot inside us, triggering a not-so-pleasant reaction. Family gatherings are often a hot bed of them. So is watching the news, driving, dealing with…

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Chalkboard with What's Your Story

Flip the script on failure February

Year after year, the most popular New Year’s resolutions in the U.S. include exercise more, eat healthier, lose weight, and save more money. But for all the focus on resolutions, fewer than half of us bother to make a list—and…

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Woman shining her heart towards the sun

Let your treasures shine

We all know that S.O.S. is a distress signal sent in Morse code by ships and planes. In a different context, it can be seen as a call for action in our personal lives, too. I’m talking about Same Old…

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