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[Painting of a face representing the art of AI]

Thriving through the art of AI

Everyone is talking about AI, or Artificial Intelligence. How it can think, how to harness its power, how it will change our world. Yet many of us don’t give a second thought to the not-so-artificial intelligence inside our heads. Without…

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Beautiful close up image of a cat with green eyes

The hex of high maintenance

Picky Passionate Proud. This catchy headline spoke to me, along with the beautiful tabby cat featured in the magazine ad. Yes, felines are notoriously finicky -- high maintenance as some would say. Yet, I can't help but admire their refusal…

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Image of compass by PDPics from Pixabay

The levee of little white lies

"I'm fine." Why is this so often our canned response when someone asks how we're feeling? Meanwhile, in her book Atlas of the Heart, Brene Brown describes a rainbow of 87 distinct emotions that we could be feeling. Not surprisingly,…

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Puzzle pieces formed into a heart and carved out of wood

The puzzle of finding our purpose

There's a very popular jigsaw puzzle on Amazon called Pure White Hell. The 'picture' is just a blank, white slate. To some, it's an exciting challenge. To others it feels like a not-so-funny April Fool's joke. Either way, it's a…

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Let it begin with me

We’ve all heard the song, let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me. Written as a hymn in 1957, it’s been sung by everyone from school children to Mahalia Jackson and Vince Gill. We all desire…

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Woman shining her heart towards the sun

Let your treasures shine

We all know that S.O.S. is a distress signal sent in Morse code by ships and planes. In a different context, it can be seen as a call for action in our personal lives, too. I’m talking about Same Old…

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Busy bee collecting pollen from a sunflower

Attracting the sweet nectar of success

Our busy-as-bees brains process about 11 million pieces of information per second. Talk about making our heads spin! Obviously, most of this activity happens beneath our conscious awareness. Our brains buzz around a field of infinite possibilities, picking and choosing…

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