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Joy and fulfillment are not for sale

I recently made a big mistake: Going shopping at TJ Maxx on a Saturday afternoon. After months of relying on delivery for the bulk of my shopping needs, and brazened by vaccination, I thought it could be fun. What a…

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Peel the price tags off your passions

Peel the price tags off your passions

Want to know the secret to a more joyful life?  Peel the price tags off your passions. Case in point: A few years ago I was going through a divorce and discovered a new passion: Handcrafting jewelry. Initially, I just…

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Bathing in fountain of youth

Chasing the Fountain of Youth

They say that age is a state of mind. But how do we embrace that when everyone around us seems to be chasing The Fountain of Youth? The beauty and fashion industries thrive on our fears of looking old and…

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