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[Painting of a face representing the art of AI]

Thriving through the art of AI

Everyone is talking about AI, or Artificial Intelligence. How it can think, how to harness its power, how it will change our world. Yet many of us don’t give a second thought to the not-so-artificial intelligence inside our heads. Without…

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Beautiful close up image of a cat with green eyes

The hex of high maintenance

Picky Passionate Proud. This catchy headline spoke to me, along with the beautiful tabby cat featured in the magazine ad. Yes, felines are notoriously finicky -- high maintenance as some would say. Yet, I can't help but admire their refusal…

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Image of a flower shaped like a heart

Healing the heartbreak of betrayal

A betrayal feels like a bomb being dropped on our lives. We’re completely unprepared for the explosion—and we feel helpless as the world we knew and trusted goes up in flames. We'd like to "keep calm and carry on," but…

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Artistic image of a lifelong Worry Wart

Are you a lifelong Worry Wart?

Lately I’ve been feeling a bit untethered -- like Major Tom, the astronaut from David Bowie’s song, Space Oddity, who loses touch with Ground Control and floats off into an endless black void. I loved that song as a kid,…

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