Some people are so desperate to find romantic love, they resort to something called love…
Chasing the Fountain of Youth
They say that age is a state of mind. But how do we embrace that when everyone around us seems to be chasing The Fountain of Youth? The beauty and fashion industries thrive on our fears of looking old and irrelevant. So, we dye our hair, get Botox, sweat at the gym, buy all the latest runway fashions. In fact, the average woman spends $300,000 in her lifetime on makeup alone. Imagine if we stopped chasing fountain of youth…and put that in our 401K plans instead?
What feeds your Fountain of Youth?
The real secret to youth is not skin deep. When we reflect on our younger years, vitality sprung from a steady stream of new experiences: Learning new things, meeting new people, creating new experiences, facing new situations. From taking our first steps to building families and careers, our brains, bodies, and perspectives continuously grew and evolved. Our outside age mirrored our inside state of mind: Curious, active, and excited about the next opportunity or phase in our lives.
As the years go by, the flow begins to slow for most of us. And truth be told, a lot of us are just plain exhausted. So, we look forward to the holy grail of retirement when we can ditch the rat race. We can’t wait for an extended vacation with no demands or responsibilities. So, why is it that one in three seniors suffers health issues stemming from loneliness and boredom?
The freedom to feel like a kid again
What really ages and exhausts us comes from the inside: Clinging to old ways of thinking and comfortable routines that lack excitement, challenge, and joy. When we stop taking on new challenges, we can start to feel like an old Lazy Boy chair. Yes, we love the comfort, but are we really excited about watching another rerun of Friends? No matter what our age, still waters grow stagnant…until they dry up altogether.
We can choose instead to bathe in the stream of renewal that comes from rediscovering and cultivating what brings us joy. We may not have the financial freedom to quit an unfulfilling job, but we always have the freedom to cultivate new passions, find new friends, and challenge ourselves to try new things. When we push ourselves to do so, we often feel like kids again–nervous, excited, giddy, energized, and maybe even a little secretly impressed with ourselves.
Take a walk down memory lane
Not sure where to start? Here’s a little exercise we do in my workshop: Take a walk down memory lane.
Make a list of things you did as a small child just for the sheer joy of it–not because it was expected or good for you. Maybe your joyful escape was a creative pursuit, like baking, sewing, writing, or drawing. Or physical, like running, dancing, or skating. Or intellectual, like reading, playing with numbers, or studying nature. Chances are what brought you joy then holds the clues to what brings you joy today.
Now, commit to reconnecting with one of the items on your list. Put it in writing. Passion creates energy and energy creates vibration. When you tap into the flow of inner desires within, you begin to radiate the energy and vigor of your childhood self. It’s like water on a wilting plant: The more you feed your passion, the more your life blossoms with joy.
Find your Fountain of Youth today
Don’t wait until retirement to tattoo ‘age is just a state of mind’ on your arm. Take real action today. What’s your heart saying yes to, while your brain says no? Doesn’t matter if it’s small, like joining a club or hopping on a bike you haven’t ridden in decades. Or big, like hiking the Pacific Crest Trail or starting a side business. The rewards are the same: You’ll rekindle a joyful light from within that can infuse you with a renewed sense of wonder, accomplishment, and rejuvenation. And that’s where you’ll find your real Fountain of Youth.
Follow Coach Margrita on Instagram or connect with me at ManifestwithMargrita.