Some people are so desperate to find romantic love, they resort to something called love…

Unmasking the Corona-chakra connection
What’s the common denominator of nearly every major health issue? Stress, stress, and more stress. Right now, we may like to blame Coronavirus for all this stress. But it could be a consequence of a way of life we’ve come to see as normal — and normal is suffocating our health and happiness. The Gallup Negative Experience Index, which tracks people’s experiences of stress, anger, sadness, physical pain and worry, reached an all-time high of 30 last year. Gallup also reported that half of Americans said they felt stress much of the day and worried a lot. Unmasking the Corona-chakra connection is a wellness wake-up call for 2020 and beyond.
The heart of Corona
By taking a peek inside our bodies into our chakra system, we discover some interesting correlations to Corona and many other chronic health issues.
The chakras are seven major energy centers that run along our spines and correlate to certain nerves and organs. When a chakra becomes blocked or out of balance, it can lead to physical and emotional issues. The heart chakra includes our heart, lungs and thymus gland (part of the immune system).
This beautiful chakra thrives on love, kindness, and joy. When we’re deprived of these or experience a deep emotional wounding, we can experience issues in our heart chakra. Emotionally, that can mean depression, grief, and codependency. Physically, it can lead to circulatory and heart-related issues, as well as respiratory issues, such as lung infections and bronchitis.
Hello Coronavirus.
Say no to normal
People can’t wait to get back to normal. But if ‘normal’ involves returning to a steady diet of stress and ignoring our emotional needs, we’re sitting ducks for any number of health issues.
We can’t even be kind and loving towards ourselves. How many times a day do you criticize yourself — calling yourself stupid, fat, weak, lazy or whatever makes you feel unworthy? How often do you deprive yourself of rest when you’re tired, a snack when you’re hungry, or play time when you’ve been working hard? How often do you connect with a source of love and joy in your life?
Positive thoughts and actions are powerful panaceas for healing the body, mind, and soul. It may sound a little woo-woo to you, but science (if we still believe in that) continues to support the mind-body connection. It’s the foundation to holistic health — and to unmasking the Corona-chakra connection.
How to mend a broken heart chakra
Unlike doing laundry or changing the oil, daily maintenance of the heart chakra is a little more fun. It involves reconnecting with what we all desire at our core: Love, joy and appreciation. Unfortunately, we’re often too busy and stressed-out to make time for people and activities we truly love and enjoy — or we wait for others to give us what we crave.
Instead, listen to Nike and Just Do It — for yourself. Here are three ways to nurture your heart chakra:
- Practice loving and appreciating yourself: If that feels foreign to you, start with writing and saying affirmations.
- Express gratitude: Write letters/send cards to loved ones (and yourself!) to let them know how much you appreciate them and/or keep a gratitude journal.
- Appreciate beauty: Look for it all around you in art, nature, music and the people you love.
The color green is another tonic for the heart chakra. So, eat your vegetables, add plants to your indoor space, and wear green. And if it’s not too woo-woo for you, go outside and hug a tree.
Important caveat: Longstanding emotional issues, stemming from unresolved grief or trauma, may need more than daily maintenance. I’ve dealt with both myself and found it helpful to work with a therapist and life coach.