Some people are so desperate to find romantic love, they resort to something called love…

Slow down: Baby Yoda on board
I awoke in the night with an earworm. That’s kind of a gross term for a common phenomenon: Getting a song stuck in your head. At first, I found it extremely ‘earritating,’ pardon the pun. Pieces of it kept going around and around in my mind like a record with a scratch in it. Finally, I googled the song in hopes I could release it. As I read the beautifully poetic lyrics, the visit for this persistent pest became clear. And that ‘aha’ reminded me to slow down and pay attention: Baby Yoda on board.
Baby Yoda?
Whether we recognize it or not, the Universe is always communicating to us through us. You may prefer to call this God, Spirit, Higher Power, or any number of terms that speak to you. To remove any sense of ideology and make this idea more accessible to all, I landed on Baby Yoda. Because even if you’re not a Star Wars fan, most of us can warm up to Baby Yoda.
The label is irrelevant: What matters is that we become aware of this infinite source of wisdom that exists for all of us.
We’ve all seen those caution signs in the windows of vans driven by new parents: Baby on Board. Well, that applies here, too. Because whenever we get caught up in rushing, ruminating, worry, people pleasing and all the other behaviors that cause us pain and anxiety, we take our eyes off the road and lose connection with this source of wisdom.
By slowing down and paying attention, we allow the flow. That’s when bursts of inspiration, clarity, and encouragement surprise us in the most meaningful and magical ways.
Forget the FOMO
It reminds me of the movie, Bruce Almighty — one of my son’s favorites when he was a kid. He giggled at the antics of Jim Carrey, while I also appreciated the deeper meaning of the story.
Bruce plays the quintessential victim, always being ‘shat on’ by God, played by none other than Morgan Freeman. Constantly envious of his fellow co-worker, Bruce grows more and more consumed with thoughts of revenge. Meanwhile, God repeatedly sends clues, messages, and signs that could release him from his misery. Finally, after much resistance, Bruce lets go and wakes up to the bounty of love and other treasures that exist within his own life.
Like Bruce, many of us miss these signs because we’re too focused on FOMO. Meanwhile, if we tune into and follow Baby Yoda’s signs and guideposts, we never live in ‘fear of missing out’ again.
Not so hidden messages
Baby Yoda communicates in many physical and non-physical ways: Nature, books, art, road signs, and yes, music. Insights also well up from within, through inspiration, dreams, déjà vu sensations, goosebumps, memories, and so-called coincidences.
One of the most important ways Baby Yoda speaks to us is through our feelings. Unfortunately, many of us learned to push down and stifle emotions. Yet, they contain valuable information about what’s important to us, when we’re veering off our path, or how we can find more purpose in our lives.
Speaking of Baby Yoda, have you ever tried to interpret a baby’s cry? Or a pet’s whine? If so, and if you cared about that little one’s wellbeing, you tried hard to understand what they needed so you could respond in a helpful way.
How carefully do you attempt to decipher the messages that Baby Yoda sends to you? Are you actively listening, watching, and sensing them? If not, you may want to explore how to be more open to them.
Clearing the channel
All this may sound a little inconsequential in the greater scheme of things. But if you’ve read any of my other blog articles like this one, you know that’s not true. Because failing to follow your own path of love, joy, and meaning not only causes frustration, resentment, and depression, it also leads to stress, illness, and addiction. That makes Baby Yoda cry.
When your mind is anxious, stressed, or cluttered with negative thoughts, you block your channel for receiving this wisdom. Here are a few ways to coax your mind into relaxing and receiving:
- Walk alone outside without listening to anything except the sounds of nature or relaxing music. Pay attention to what you notice with your senses: Animals, trees, colors, clouds.
- Write in a journal about a dream you had or something that caught your attention or stirred up emotions, whether angry, happy, sad, etc.
- Meditate for a few minutes by placing your hand on your heart and tuning into your breath. You could also repeat to yourself “I am listening.”
As you continue to practice, your physical and meta-physical senses will become more sensitive to the wisdom beyond thinking, thinking, thinking. Next thing you know, insignificant things like earworms and road signs will transform into sources of ideas, inspiration, solutions, and immense clarity.
The gift of comfort
The more I open myself up to this channel of wisdom, the more I receive meaningful messages that guide and inspire me. Sometimes, it’s a heaven-sent hug when I need it most.
A few years ago, I picked up the phone to learn that my close friend had passed away in the night. She’d finally lost her battle with cancer. During the previous year or so, as she was suffering through treatment after treatment, I drove up on weekends to visit her. I took her to hair appointments or to her favorite lunch spots when she was up for it. Other times we simply sat on the swing in her backyard garden with the dogs playing around us — a memory I’ll always treasure. Yet, when I got that call, guilty thoughts flooded my mind. Had I been there enough? Had I expressed my feelings enough? Had I supported her enough?
I decided to take a long drive so I could be alone in my grief. On the way home, I stopped at the drug store. As I walked through the parking lot, something on the ground caught my attention. It was one of those little cards normally tucked inside a bouquet of flowers. In perfect condition, it featured a huge purple hydrangea–my favorite color and favorite flower. The simple message read, I always thank God for you. Choking back tears again, I turned around and headed home.
Was it a coincidence? No way. It was exactly what I needed to know in that moment.
Slow down: Baby Yoda on board
Baby Yoda finds joy in helping you express your creativity, solve your problems, and find your passion. Most importantly, Baby Yoda reminds you that you are always enough. All babies, including you, are precious and deserve love, appreciation, and happiness. That’s music to Baby Yoda’s ears.
Thank you for reading my blog!
I am a holistic life coach who specializes in expressive writing to nurture healing, insight, and creativity. For more information about that, visit If you have a question or topic you’d like me to write about here, or would like to join my Good Vibrations email community, email me at [email protected]. I also invite you to follow me on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn.