Some people are so desperate to find romantic love, they resort to something called love…

Break free of third eye blind
Facial fillers are synthetic injections intended to soften the rough edges of aging. But the side effects aren’t always so pleasing — as Courtney Cox discovered when she shared how layers of fillers made her ‘look strange’ and ‘not like myself.’ Why do we feel the pressure to reshape our bodies, our personalities, and even our life choices to meet random standards set by others? Because we fear rejection, abandonment, and isolation. Yet, the side effects of living by other people’s rules not only makes us feel strange and not like ourselves, it lacks true meaning, purpose, or joy. To reconnect with a more authentic path, we need to break free of third eye blind.
Our co-pilot in life
Third eye blind is not only the name of an awesome 90s band, it’s a term for blocked spiritual growth. It refers to our sixth chakra, or third eye, that sits between our eyes at the top of our nose. This chakra connects us with our personal source of intuition, wisdom, insight, inspiration, and creativity. But when we don’t honor its gifts, we may begin to feel ‘strange’ or ‘not like ourselves.’
Our third eye is a powerful co-pilot for our journey through life. In fact, when something feels off, incorrect, or even unethical, our typical reaction is to furrow our eyebrows and squinch our eyes. We sense something’s fishy but we’re not quite sure what. Or there’s a germ of insight floating just beyond our awareness if we could just bring it into focus.
These may seem like insignificant movements, but our bodies are always communicating with us, if we pay attention. That furrowing may be our body’s way of helping to unblock our third eye. A way of reminding us that we have this powerful GPS inside us that we can tap whenever we feel confused or lost in our lives.
Ironically, millions of people choose to deaden this area with Botox rather than risk looking wizened. (Hint: That means old, not wise.) This isn’t about shaming people for choosing fillers or anything else. It’s simply about questioning why we make these choices — or any choices in our lives. Because the more we inject ourselves with standards set by others, the farther we stray from our own source of truth.
Rocking our breath
I get it. It’s hard to resist the pressures of our youth-obsessed, success-crazed culture. It’s scary to choose authenticity and risk rejection, failure, or shame. But don’t forget, big companies count on that. They invest billions of dollars into campaigns designed to trigger our fears and insecurities—and of course, give them our hard-earned money.
If we truly value authenticity, uniqueness, and honoring our personal truth, we need to be stronger and more intentional about it. We need to break free of third eye blind.
Meditation is one way to cultivate our connection with our third eye chakra. Start by taking just five minutes a day to sit quietly or listen to a guided meditation. Observe the mind as it wanders in all sorts of directions and just keep returning to the calm, consistent, in-and-out rhythm of the body breathing.
Just like rocking soothes a fussy baby into a dreamy slumber, the body eases the mind into a dreamy world of insight, intuition, and creativity. Through this third eye in-sight, we may:
- Discover that our bodies and our lives are pretty darn good when we stop comparing ourselves to made-up standards.
- Get inspired to try something new as we circumvent negative thoughts that keep us stuck.
- Stop pouring money and time into chemical processes or fashion fads and reinvest that into what really brings us meaning and joy.
Even Yoda would spiral
When we don’t feel good about ourselves or our lives, it’s easy to get sucked into fast fixes. Or to get lost in a cascade of regrets and wishful thinking. If only we’d made different choices, we’d be living livin’ la vida loca with that handsome Ricky Martin lookalike we dated for a week in high school. (Or the female version of that.)
Just remember, that’s part of the trap, too. Five minutes on social media can cause even Yoda to spiral.
We need to remind ourselves that the mind is easily sucked in by fairytales of perfect people meeting impossible standards. That’s why disinformation campaigns work. They’re all designed to separate us from our personal standards and make choices that benefit others.
Break free of third eye blind
When a trigger happens, make it a point to stop, drop, and furrow those eyebrows. In other words, stop the spiral by dropping below the thinking mind and into the body’s core of truth, the third eye. Do something that deepens that connection: Close the eyes and breathe. Write positive affirmations in a journal. Go for a walk and connect with the authentic beauty of Mother Nature. Rock a baby.
This begins to dissolve the layers of fillers, or conditioning, that cause us to reject what’s real and true about ourselves. It also begins to restore an authentic belief system built on our own standards of beauty, success, love, and what truly brings us joy. That’s how we break free of third eye blind and honor the truly unique, beautiful, and ageless spirits inside all of us.
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I’m a holistic life coach who specializes in expressive writing to nurture healing, insight, and creativity. Check out more inspirational articles at my blog, Good Vibrations. For more information about life coaching, visit my website at Or email me at [email protected]. I invite you to follow me on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn, too!