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Peaceful Buddha statue

Give peace a chance

Everywhere we look today it seems there's another natural or unnatural disaster. And most of us feel powerless to do anything about it. As an empath, I sometimes shut my eyes at night, breathe, and repeat positive affirmations just to…

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A house of cards

The most meaningful work we can do

A typical episode of the show Mythbusters features a team of truth-seekers investigating a popular myth or urban legend, like whether Twinkies could survive a nuclear winter. Myths gain power through repetition and blind acceptance, but there's even greater power…

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A house of cards

A better way to measure success

When we’re about to enter a new decade in our lives, as I am, we often call it ‘the big one.’ Like those of us who remember Y2K, these big birthdays can fill us with the urge to party like…

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Image of a rainbow heart

Say goodbye to the yellow brick road

I recently watched a truly mind-bending conversation between Deepak Chopra and cognitive scientist Dr. Don Hoffman, author of The Case Against Reality. Part science, part spirituality, they explored the nature of consciousness and reality. All matter in the world, they…

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Open for business sign

Joy and fulfillment are not for sale

I recently made a big mistake: Going shopping at TJ Maxx on a Saturday afternoon. After months of relying on delivery for the bulk of my shopping needs, and brazened by vaccination, I thought it could be fun. What a…

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A single, lonely red flower

Accepting the gifts of grief

When we lose a job or a relationship, we often get to work on getting a new one. Time to dust off that resume and spice up that online dating profile! When we lose more irreplaceable gifts, like our health…

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Busy bee collecting pollen from a sunflower

Attracting the sweet nectar of success

Our busy-as-bees brains process about 11 million pieces of information per second. Talk about making our heads spin! Obviously, most of this activity happens beneath our conscious awareness. Our brains buzz around a field of infinite possibilities, picking and choosing…

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Gap year for your soul

You've likely heard of the gap year -- the break students take after high school or college to explore the world before moving on to the next stage of life. Show of hands: How many of you would board that…

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Wooing your heartfelt desires

Wooing your heartfelt desires

Valentine's Day is on the horizon: What better time to reflect on what your heart truly desires. Whether personal or professional, romantic or spiritual, if you have it already, be sure to celebrate it. If not, maybe it’s time to…

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Adopt an ergo approach to life

Most of us understand the importance of an ergonomic, or properly aligned, workspace -- especially when we're working from home. A kitchen table and chair just don't cut it. The good news is that by making tiny changes aligned with…

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